Latest Episodes
#27 Should Christians Be Conspiracy Theorists
As always, thanks for listening! We would love your feedback on Instagram. Let us know what you think!
#26 Decor
Thanks for listening. Let's talk Decor!
#25 Cooking
Thank you for listening. We are always excited to talk about cooking! Reach out to us with any questions or comments that you have!...
#25 Don't Waste Your Quarantine
Hey everyone! We hope you are well! Let us know what you are up too during quarantine! Thanks for listening!
#24 Housekeeping
Thank you for continuing to come back! Links Home Comforts by Cheryl Mendelson Simply Convivial Misty Winkler The Organized Heart by Staci Eastin
#23 Interview With Toby Sumpter
A couple of weeks back, Toby Sumpter tweeted: “One of the weakest links in the church is the wives of elders & pastors. Many...